I always wondered what would happen if you absolutely DIDNT have the money to pay a donation for the literature. Could they LEGALLY refuse you?
many christian type religions, organized or not, believe in giving 10% like was done in the old days in the bible.
you even have the mormons, who must give 10%.. as money hungry as the wts is, why have they not gone for that as well?
they can always justify anything for any reason.
I always wondered what would happen if you absolutely DIDNT have the money to pay a donation for the literature. Could they LEGALLY refuse you?
this topic came up in chat.
as an outsider looking in, i find the whole "throw a napkin on your head, quick" thing ludicrous at best.
it seems a lot of women resent the practice as humiliating and degrading.
You heard my opinion in chat. <grin> It's humiliating and disgusting. No human being should ever be required to show submission to another human being by doing such a despicable thing as putting a doily on their heads. In a perfect world, every human will be treated with respect and reverence. We are *all* made in God's image, including women. Therefore, God has a feminine side, too. Do you think he wears *half* a doily on his head? <grins again>
You're right: it is ludicrous and disrespectful to the female component of humanity to have to put a doily on their head to show submission. So.. when a baptized female publisher (qualified in prayer) is out on a study with a male unbaptized publisher, to say the prayer she has to wear a doily to qualify herself to pray for the unqualified? C'mon...
I remember having to wear some stupid paper towel or something on my head to say the prayer in front of my four charmingly disreputable brothers. They got a big kick outta that and teased me, as the big sister, for days... regardless of the fact that I had raised them. It only shows the males in that Society that women are not an "equal" vessel, but one to be treated with disdain.
ok guys, (simon probably won't like this thread) what's the worst thing you did as a kid to a defenseless animal?
me, i liked to throw rocks at frogs.
my mom was so mad when she saw me..... the girls are gonna be pissed..... rotfl
Put insects under the magnifying glass. Oh.. <sniffs and tears up>
have you ever done something so imbarrasing that you can't make yourself look back or even think about the deed for a very long time?.
several months ago, i had a real bad day.
i was very bummed about my life and the losses i felt due to my jw experience.
What really strikes me about this post, and others like it, is that the poster feels bad that they had a "spot"of misbehavior and really feel bad about it. That's what strikes me about all of the posters here: we really *care* about each other and don't want other people to be ashamed on our behalf. That speaks alot about us..
i have been contacted by a reporter wanting to do a documentary on jws and child abuse.
she is from this area.
those who know what i am talking about, please write me for further information.
Your a very brave person.
much love
Edited by - country girl on 14 November 2002 11:52:18
Edited by - country girl on 14 November 2002 11:53:13
i have been contacted by a reporter wanting to do a documentary on jws and child abuse.
she is from this area.
those who know what i am talking about, please write me for further information.
to explain: i recall in the 60's and 70's driving down portsmouths commercial road during a lunch time.
in the summer, there would be dozens of pretty girls strolling along, enjoying their lunch breaks.. high-heeled, well groomed and shapely of leg and well turned ankle, these delightful creatures smelled as good as they looked and were a real tonic to an over worked young man such as me.. so where are all the pretty women now?
all i see these days are skinny women with their boobies pushed up to their chins and half a pound of shrapnel punched through their noses and ears.
They have gone to various boutiques and stores to purchase shoes that don't make their toes or heels hurt, make them have foot problems later in life so they can't walk -- and saved themselves the aggravating pisode of learning to walk on stilts; birkenstocks, tennis shoes, or just gone plain barefoot. They have gone to purchase slim line undergarmets so that they aren't strangled and pinched, bruised, or bunched around by girdles, whale-bone corsettes, and torpedo bras. Do you know that lots of girls passed out in the old days cuz they were trying to contain themselves in those corsettes to appeal to their men? Passed out cuz they strangled themselves alive. They have saved their faces from the ravages of costmetics which often contain LIME, and the time to put on those faces they have shared with those who loved them. They have also saved themselves from the constrictions put on them by clothing, makeup, and beauty "trends" enforced on them by a hoarde of media representations. They have taken up exercise, fresh air, freedom, health, and good eating to show that beauty is not "put on" but comes from .. truly.. the inside.
Aren't you glad that woman don't have to be so uncomfortable to look gorgeous these days? True beauty is natural and cannot be outmoded, true beauty is free of pain. True beauty is when the most natural looking person in the world comes up to you and tells you they love you. And to know that the person you love, and the person that loves you, is free of the pain that a world puts on them.
Just my opinion.
i have been contacted by a reporter wanting to do a documentary on jws and child abuse.
she is from this area.
those who know what i am talking about, please write me for further information.
I have been contacted by a reporter wanting to do a documentary on JWs and child abuse. She is from this area. Those who know what I am talking about, please write me for further information. Very important she reach you in the next few days. Seems to be wanting any leads she can get out of the Texas area. Please write below and I will further you all the information I can or help mediate contact if you prefer anonymous.
country girl
it's early but it appears there is some action here on the front.
will report more as time allows.. we are at valis' right now before dinner: eyegirl, heaven, shuttebug and his son, elsewhere and xw.
noone is dead yet.. film at 11. geraldo out
<admires mac in his feminine attire>
Yer a shoo-in for Diana Ross. <grin>